To all Nuranians,
In coming up semester year 2011/2012, Security Department of USMKK is imposing new rules. Please be reminded that registration for cars and motorcycles is a must, no registration is required for bicycle. Unregistered vehicles may be fined or banned from getting into campus by the security personnels.
All students are allowed to bring motorcycles or bicycles. Only 4th and 5th year students are allowed to bring cars into the campus without reasons, yet 1st, 2nd and 3rd year students can applied with terms and conditions (such as medical reason and others) applied.
If the registration of the vehicle is not under your name (i.e. under your parent's name), you will need an authorization letter from your parent whose name is written in the vehicle registration.
You are advised to complete the form with all the necessary documents ready to ensure smooth application process.
Please click below link to download the application form. You can leave your email address in our facebook group if you are unable to download the application form.
Updated: Borang Memohon Pelekat Kenderaan (Pelajar)
Download (69KB).
Should you have any enquiries, please do not hesitate to call Security Department 09-7675999
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